Adult Care

Adult Eye Care

- Exclusive Family Eye Care Brands Available
- Member of the American Optometric Association
- Se Habla Español

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Bring Your World Into Focus

Adult Eye Care - Age 18 to 110
Why do I need an annual eye exam?
In addition to a vision correction and contact lenses prescription, a comprehensive yearly eye exam is a powerful defense against a variety of dangerous eye diseases, as well as numerous medical conditions. Annual eye exams will help to detect the early onset of eye diseases such as dry eye, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Early detection is key, as 80% of all blindness in adults is preventable or treatable.

Constant exposure over time to television, computers, and other digital media can cause eye problems such as dry eye disease. Getting your annual eye checkup is imperative if you strain your eyes on an everyday basis.

There is an additional benefit of having an annual comprehensive eye exam; it can help doctors find early signs of life-threatening medical conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer.

Law requires contact lens wearers to have prescriptions renewed annually. An annual exam for contact wearers assures that your lenses are fitting properly, and your eyes are healthy enough to keep wearing them. Family Eye Care guarantees good vision, a comfortable fit, and healthy eyes--guarantees not available online or at 800 numbers.
  • 138 million U.S. adults go without an eye exam and 60 million are at risk of serious vision loss due to eye disease.
  • A comprehensive eye exam can alert doctors to serious medical conditions.
  • A healthy diet helps guard against cataracts, while certain medications raise the risk of developing them.
  • Smoking and cholesterol levels affect the risk of macular degeneration at a very early stage.
  • Roughly 61 million Americans are at high risk of serious vision loss.
Source: American Optometric Association

Discard your spectacles for a pair of contact lenses and see the difference it makes. The doctors at Family Eye Care of Woodstock and Lake Geneva are genuine and will spare no effort while trying to make your visit comfortable. If you use spectacles, you can also browse through a selection of frames you won’t find anywhere else! Call us now!
Contact Lens

Eye Care for Adults

Call us today for a new patient registration.

(262) 248-4878

(815) 338-0674

(815) 338-0674

I have been a patient at Family Eye Care for more than ten years. The doctors have saved my vision, given me lenses that allow me to snorkel, and my glasses are the best quality in all Northern Illinois. Great customer service and value! I highly recommend them.

- Michael HIdding

American Optometric Association Logo

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